we wrung from him his reluctant consent that… 意味

  • 彼から…というしぶしぶの承諾を引きだした



  1. "we would need an apartment of comparable size to this one"の英語
  2. "we would welcome a postponement for a few days"の英語
  3. "we would welcome your presence at the meeting"の英語
  4. "we wouldの縮約形"の英語
  5. "we wrestled him to the ground"の英語
  6. "we youngsters thought it was manly to be able to carry one's liquor well"の英語
  7. "we zigzagged down the mountain to the river"の英語
  8. "we zoomed out into the countryside"の英語
  9. "we'd"の英語
  10. "we wouldの縮約形"の英語
  11. "we wrestled him to the ground"の英語
  12. "we youngsters thought it was manly to be able to carry one's liquor well"の英語
  13. "we zigzagged down the mountain to the river"の英語

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